CM+ Repeater Panel


The control panels allow complete remote control over the centre.

Up to 2 repeater panels can be connected to a CM+ conventional fire alarm control panel.

A simple slide-in window allows text in the appropriate language to be shown next to the LEDs and to give each zone a separate name.

The operating panels connect to the control panel via a 3-wire link.

The control panel can be fully operated from the operating panels.

Simple settings such as delay times can be adjusted from the repeater panel.

Keys such as ‘reset’ and ‘clear’ are protected by a user code. However the software can only be changed by using an installer code.


  • 200 x 175 mm (wxh)
  • 3-wire maximum distance: 150 m for 1.5 mm2
  • Input to triangle key switch
  • Function: 3 external switches can be read and the loop is monitored for line breaks and short circuits.
  • Used for triangle key reset switch for re brigade, additional ‘silence’ switch.
  • Addressing: resistor addressing
    • NC switches, all switches in series
  • Resistance of each switch: 200, 400, 800 ohm
  • Final loop resistance: 100 ohm
  • Maximum length: 2.5 m
Artikelcode  Artikelnaam
11103301  Herhaalbord CM+