Conventional Zone Module


The conventional zone module is used for connecting the fire detectors in a conventional system to a GMC+ fire alarm control panel.

  • Installer-friendly fitting
  • Repeater lamp output
  • Allows conventional fire detectors to be connected to a GMC+
  • Ideal for allowing the continued use of old loops
  • Simple installation
  • Built-in triple short circuit isolation
  • Numbering and operational control with LaserBox

The unit functions as a mini conventional control panel for a two-wire loop of conventional detectors. Its operational status (OK, line break, alarm, short circuit) is transmitted digitally to the GMC+. Its proper operation (slave loop voltage and current levels) are also sent to the GMC+ and can be retrieved by the ConfiGMC program and by the LaserBox.

Built-in short circuit protection and a current limiter ensure that a short circuit in the slave loop cannot disturb the proper operation of the analogue loop to the GMC+. The module itself is fed by a power supply and is therefore short-circuit protected. The analogue loop interface includes a standard short circuit isolator.

The loop polarity must be correct for proper operation.

The maximum current in the slave loop is limited to 100 mA, so not more than a few detectors can remain in the alarm state simultaneously. It is therefore recommended not to have too many detectors on a single loop. Using repeater lamps on the detectors should be considered carefully for the same reason.

The end of line resistor can be 10k or 4k7, according to choice (set using ConfiGMC):

  • 10k: ideal for smaller slave loops with economical detectors, consumes little extra current.
  • 4k7: to enable detectors with a somewhat higher consumption to interface, so that line breaks can still be reported reliably. This does consume an additional 5 mA per slave loop encoder.


  • Material: ABS
  • Dimensions: 110 x 110 x 45 mm


  • 15.28 VDC


  • quiescent: 5 mA
  • on activation: 20 mA


  • 1.6 mA


  • 95% relative
  • non-condensing


  • -10° C to +60° C


  • Repeater lamp on slave loop encoder: max. 60 mA
  • Slave loop short circuit limit: 100 mA
  • Slave loop voltage: 3.5 V lower than analogue loop
  • End of line resistor to be used in the slave loop: 10k or 4k7 (settable via ConfiGMC)
  • Alarm resistor in the slave loop: 1k (>470 ohm )
  • Number of slave loop encoders on the analogue loop: max. 15